A UX Practitioner’s Reading List



Are you a UX practitioner? Are you ready to deepen your knowledge? Here’s a list of books to inspire you to branch out and read something outside your usual comfort zone. Some classics, some new titles, all worth reading!

UX books

The Design of Everyday Things Don Norman <– a classic

Designing Multi-Device Experiences, Michal Levin <– new and good

Design for the digital age, Goodwin <– the Cooper method, explained

A project guide to UX design, Unger, Chandler <– putting it all together with projects and teams

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want, Jaime Levy


The “Lean” Series

The Lean Startup, Eric Ries

Lean UX, Gothelf & Seiden

UX for Lean Startups: Faster, Smarter User Experience Research and Design, Laura Klein

Running Lean, Ash Maurya

Lean Analytics, Yoskovitz & Kroll

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, Cooper and Vlaskovitz

Lean Enterprise, Jez Humble


Classic business books

The Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayon Christensen

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, Chip Heath

Crossing the Chasm, Geoffery Moore


Design Systems & Typography

Design for Hackers: Reverse Engineering Beauty David Kadavy

Design for Software: A Playbook for Developers Erik Klimczak



Sketching User Experiences – The Workbook <– much better than the book “Sketching User Experiences” which I don’t recommend

Unfolding the Napkin Dan Roam

Sketchnote Workbook Mike Rohde the book Sketchnote Handbook is also excellent.


Product management

Inspired: How to create products customers love, Marty Cagan


Web development

Responsive Web Design, Ethan Marcotte

Atomic Design, Brad Frost

Designing with Web Standards, Jeffrey Zeldman


Agile and Lean

Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Kent Beck

The Lean Mindset: Ask the Right Questions, Mary & Tom Poppendieck

Get Agile: Scrum for UX, Design & Development, Jongerius et al.

The Principles of Product Development Flow, Donald Reinertsen



photo: commons.wikimedia.org
quote: www.goodreads.com