I enjoy public speaking and facilitating workshops on agile/ux integration, product management and lean startup. Here’s a list of talks and workshops I’ve offered and events I’ve organized. please contact me if you’d like to organize a talk for your group or event.
Talks and workshops
- (Mar) O’Reilly Design Conference, SF, CA | slides | video
- (Oct) CooperU Interaction Design, NY, NY
- (Sep) TalkUX, Atlanta GA
- (July) CooperU Design Leadership, Los Angeles, CA
- (June) ABInBev startup accelerator, NY, NY | slides
- (Mar) CooperU Interaction Design, Dallas, TX (in-house corporate training)
- (Feb) “How to Draw Quick, Useful, UI Sketches” Grand Rapids, MI | slides
- (Feb) DesignBriefs, Grand Rapids MI
- (Aug) CooperU Leading Creative Ideation, NY, NY
- (Aug) CooperU Design Leadership, NY, NY
- (Jun) “Balanced Craft” Balanced Team Summit 2015 | slides
- (Jan) “Quick, Useful UI Sketches,” Girl Develop It, Los Angeles | slides
- (Jan) “Structured UX Design Critique” Downtown LA UX Study Group | slides
- (Nov) “UX Notes From The Field” General Assembly UXDI class | slides
- (Jul) “Five Steps to Learn What Your Customers Really Want” Startup UCLA | slides
- (May) “The Collaborative UX Designers’s Toolbox” at UX London | slides
- (Apr) “Quick, Useful UI Sketches” at Lean UX NYC | slides
- (Apr) “Lane Halley Discusses Balanced Teams” interview with Todd Charon
- (Apr) “The Balanced Team Movement” at Lean UX NYC | slides | video
- (Mar) “Interview with Lane Halley” interview with Dave Gray | video
- (Sep) “Quick, Useful UI Sketches” at Opodz LA slides
- (Sep) UX Week SF slides | video
- (Aug) Innovator’s Mix “Is Your Innovation Team Balanced?” podcast
- (Jul) “Hands on Lean UX for Digital Designers” at Opodz LA slides
- (Jul) “Five Steps to Learn What Your Customers Really Want” Startup UCLA slides
- (Jun) SoCal UX Camp “Quick, Useful UI Sketches” slides
- (May) Originate, Los Angeles “UX is a Team Sport” slides
- (Mar) LA UX Meetup “User Experience & Lean Startup” slides | video
- (Apr) Interview with Luis Novo, SuperNova Labs NYC video
- (Apr) LeanUXNYC “Conversation, Cadence & Culture” handout(2) handout(1) | slides
- (Apr) LeanUXNYC “Mixing Lean UX and Agile Development” slides
- (Jan) LSM, Santa Monica “Are you Ready to GOOB” slidecast
- (Dec) The Lean Startup Conference, SF “I <heart> ugly” slides | video
- (Nov) Qcon San Francisco “User Experience, More Than Just a Pretty Stick” slides | video
- (Oct) MuckerLab Santa Monica “Five Steps to Learn What Your Customers Really Want” slides
- (Sep) LSM Santa Monica “Are you Ready to GOOB” slides
- (Sep) Carbon Five Hack Night, Santa Monica “Personas for Coders” slides
- (Jul) TechJobs LA “The Right Stuff: What’s in YOUR Portfolio?” slides | video(1) video (2)
- (Jul) Startup UCLA “Seven Tips for Effective Customer Conversations” slides
- (Jun) Mobile UX Meetup, Los Angeles “The Right Stuff: What’s in YOUR Portfolio?” slides
- (May) Michigan Lean Startup “More Than “Just a Pretty Stick, UX for Entrepreneurs” slides
- (Feb) It’s Our Research interview with Tomer Sharon, NYC video
- (Feb) Lean Camp, New York “Knowsy iPad Case study” slides
- (Feb) AgileUXNYC “Quick, Visual, Collaborative & Continuous” slides | video
- (Jan) LA Lean Startup Circle “Somewhere Over the Waterfall” slides | video
- (Jan) Chicago Lean Startup Circle “Somewhere Over the Waterfall” video(1) video(2)
- Balanced Team Conference, San Francisco “Hybrid User Interviews” – slidecast
- LUXi Lean Startup Intensive workshops (SF, NYC) – handout
- Ignite: Lean Startup “I (heart) ugly” – video
- “I’m out of the building, now what?” LUXr – slides
- “Interviewing for User Experience” Workshop – General Assembly
- “Knowsy: Applying Agile UX Methods to iPad Game Design” AED Meetup – slides
- “Gathering Intelligence, Conversations with Users” Northern NJ IxDA – slides
- “Design Studio Workshop” AED Meetup – handouts
- “Interaction Design + Product Management” SW PM Meetup – slides
- “Beyond Features” Agile Alliance 2009 [with Luke Hohmann] – description, presentation
- “The Missing Piece: Better Products by Design” Silicon Valley P-Camp – link
- “Blending IxD and Agile” [with Jeff Patton] CHIFOO – slides
Prior to 2009
- “User Experience and Agile” SW Grand Rapids (2008)
- Keynote, Customer Experience 2007 Conference, Copenhagen Denmark (2007)
- “Essential Interaction Design Tools” Society for Technical Communication (2006)
- “Using Personas to Guide Design” Jared Spool’s UIE Roadshow (2005)
Events Organized
- Co-organizer, Balanced Team Summit (2015) – more information
- Co-organizer, FlowCon, San Francisco (2014) – more information
- Co-organizer, Balanced Team Los Angeles Salon | April 2014 | August 2014
- Organizer, Balanced Team Conference (2013) – more information
- Program committee member, Flowcon San Francisco (2013) – more information
- UX Stage chair, QconSF (2012) – more information
- Organizer, Balanced Team Conference, (2011)- more information
- Organizer, Agile/UX Retreats in SF, Grand Rapids, NYC (2010)
- Open Space facilitator Agile NYC Agile Day (2010) – podcast
- Co-chair, User Experience stage, Agile Alliance Conference (2009)
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