A lot has happened since 2007 when Desiree Sy and Lynne Miller published “Adapting Usability Investigations for Agile User Centered Design. Many people who were influenced by that paper created related material under the terms “agile ux” “agile experience design” “balanced team” and “lean ux.” If you’re interested in learning more about the influences and thinking behind “Lean UX” as it evolved, check out some of the presentations from the people below:
Anders Ramsay
Desiree Sy
Janice Fraser
Jeff Gothelf
Jeff Patton
Johanna Kollmann
Jonathan Berger
Josh Seiden
Lane Halley
Tim Mccoy
Desiree and a bunch of the people in the above list collaborated to produce a Balanced Team conference in 2011. Many of these same folks also participated in the Agile UX NYC conference in 2012 and the Lean UX NYC conference in 2013.
If you’re interested in upcoming events, check out
Lean Day: West Portland OR, September 2013
Balanced Team San Francisco CA, November 2013
Lean UX NYC New York NY, April 2014
I am sure I’ve forgotten people who should be included here. Please add a comment with the name and URL for anyone else you feel should be on this list.